Samsung could be launching new music service soon

These days, tech companies are vying for a piece of the music streaming pie. We have Google Play, Apple iTunes Radio, Spotify and even Beats entering into the fray.

Just days before Mobile World Congress kickstarts, Patently Apple is reporting that Samsung may be launching their own music streaming offering to consumers. A CNET report last year had stated that majority of Samsung employees are currently working on software. Samsung have realized that it’s no longer about hardware these days but their future would really depends on how well their software can complement the way their phones actually work.

Samsung has just filed three different patents with the US Patent and Trademark Office on music services, leading to speculations that one of the services could be named or hosted on

The three patents are filed as MILKMUSIC.COM, MILK MUSIC and SAMSUNG MILK MUSIC. As noted by Patently Apple, three patents are filed under the same international classes:

  • International Class 009 is for mobile software to access data online for music, video and streaming services and/or enable social networking

  •  International Class 038 is to enable broadcasting services such as radio, audio, video or graphical images via the internet 

  •  International Class 041 will be used for entertainment purposes such as radio.

The above evidences are pointing towards yet another music streaming, or radio broadcasting service by a new player in the market.

However, I’m not feeling very excited for it as the sheer number of companies with their own music streaming services are only going to fragment the market further. Ultimately, consumers are the victims here at the end of the day as we scramble through the Internet trying to search and justify the best offering for themselves – something that I went through while trying to decide if I should sign up with Spotify Premium a month ago.

What are your thoughts on this if Samsung were to really launch their own music services? Would you go ahead with them or you prefer Spotify/Beats? Let me know in the comments below!